Juhlatalo Tapiola Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for the rental of Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy’s banquet facilities. By paying the reservation fee, you agree to respect our rental conditions.

1. Booking and payment

The person renting the premises must be of legal age. If you are under 21 years of age, you must also have an older responsible person who is co-responsible for the rental. The person making the reservation is responsible for the use of the premises in accordance with the rental terms, even if they are not personally present during the event. Any later damages or fines resulting from the rental are the responsibility of the person who made the reservation.

Reservations are made by e-mail. You will receive confirmation of the booking by e-mail. We send out booking fees approximately once a week and they arrive by email. The booking fee of €250 is due immediately upon booking and the remaining amount is due 2 weeks before the event. For party bookings below 250€ the booking fee is 100€.

2. Use of premises and cleaning

The property is available for use at the beginning of the rental period. For all-day bookings, the rental period starts at 10 a.m. For hourly bookings, the starting time is agreed separately and hours can be booked between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Preparation time and cleaning time are also charged, so please take this into account when considering the length of your booking.

You can enter the premises with a door code. You will receive an email with instructions on how to access the premises, the door code and lock instructions on the Monday of the booking week by email. It is the responsibility of the occupant to ensure that lights are off, refrigerator doors, taps and electrical appliances are closed and windows and doors are properly closed. The door code is only valid for the hours booked. Please ensure that the cellar door and the back door of the hall are also closed. Guests may pass through them during the evening without you noticing.

Toilet and hand towels are included in the rental price. The use of the kitchen and its equipment is included in the rental price when renting the kahvio (smaller venue) or the entire premises. The use of the kitchen is not included in the rental of the hall (juhlasali) alone. Dishes must be washed and put away after use.

The music must end by 01:00 and the venue must be empty of guests by 02:00. The space may not be re-rented. The space and its furnishings must be left in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the rental period. Please move tables and chairs back to their original position if you change the order of the tables and chairs for a party. For pictures of the arrangement of the furniture in the entrance hall and cafeteria, see our website. Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy will keep any property and lost property left on the premises for 14 days from the end of the booking period.

Once you have booked all the facilities of Tapiola, there will be no other events taking place in the premises at the same time. If you book only the hall or only the cafeteria, there may be another reservation. We will always inform you of these in advance before confirming your booking.

If you have chosen to clean the premises yourself after the party, the cleaning must also be completed by the end of the booking period. The premises must be cleaned in accordance with the cleaning instructions and rubbish must be taken outside to the rubbish bins to the left of the stairs. Bottles and cans can be picked up in the bottle bin on the right hand side of the stairs.

Please note that weekend bookings often have a second session the following morning from 10am. If the room has not been cleaned as agreed at the end of the event, we will charge a cleaning fee of €100 for kahvio bookings/€200 for entire premises and a separate rush fee of €100.

The final cleaning, paid in advance, includes basic cleaning: wiping tables, vacuuming and washing floors and cleaning toilets. Extra cleaning (vomit, soiled textiles) will be invoiced separately after the rental period. Dishwashing is not included in the final cleaning, but can be arranged with the catering company.

3. Cancellation, payment terms and complaint procedures

The booking fee is 250/ 100 EUR and is non-refundable. The reservation must be paid in full 2 weeks before the event. For events cancelled more than 2 months in advance, we will retain the booking fee. 1-2 months before cancelled events we charge half of the event price and less than 1 month before cancelled reservations we charge in full.

Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy has the right to cancel the booking without any obligation to pay compensation 2 months before the start of the rental period. Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy may cancel the reservation due to force majeure (e.g. water damage, fire) without any obligation to pay compensation before the start of the reservation.

Possible complaints must be submitted without delay and no later than 24 hours after the start of the reservation to Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy by e-mail. It is best to call our on-call number 040 5696 022 as soon as you notice a problem, as in many cases things can be fixed on the same day.

4. Regulations and damage to the premises

No more than 300 people may be present in the premises at any one time. Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy, its authorised representatives or the authorities have the right to interrupt the event if it is deemed to cause disturbance to outsiders, danger to the property or its furnishings. The event may be interrupted if the rental conditions are not respected.

Juhlatalo Tapiola is located in a residential area, so it is important to respect the neighbours, especially after 10 pm. Excessive noise from outside should be avoided during the rental period. Smoking is only allowed in the designated area outside.

Alcohol may only be served and consumed inside the building. Open fires and barbecues are not permitted outside the building. Live fire candles may not be burned indoors, but you may use LED candles in your set-up. The renter is responsible for ensuring that lights are turned off, refrigerator doors and taps are closed, electrical appliances are turned off and windows and doors are properly closed.

Stapling decorations to the wall is strictly forbidden and we charge €100 for removing staples and patching holes afterwards. Taping of decorations is allowed as long as there are no traces of tape on the walls or no old pieces of tape left behind.

The renter is liable to compensate Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy or a third party for any damage caused by the renter. The hirer is also liable for any damage occurring after the rental period due to the actions or negligence of those who were on the premises during the rental period.

5. Camera surveillance and monitoring of access

From 11.7.2024, the premises will be equipped with camera surveillance. Camera surveillance will be used to remotely check the condition of the premises between rentals, to ensure the security of business operations in the property and to prevent crime and vandalism. Outside of bookings, a motion sensor activated recording will be used to assist in the detection of crime. Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy staff can monitor the CCTV surveillance in real time remotely via the app outside the reservation area. For justified reasons, such as a report from neighbours, suspected vandalism or an unusual remote access control report, Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy staff have the right to open the surveillance camera image for viewing during bookings. Our renters will be informed of the camera surveillance outside and inside the premises by signs and stickers. You can read more about camera surveillance in our privacy policy.

Access to the venue is by using a code lock. The code lock records the opening and closing of doors in the access control log for 1 month. The access codes and related data are inserted into the application at the beginning of the month and deleted from the application at the end of each month.

Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of ordering and delivery as well as prices.
Juhlatalo Tapiola Oy 10.5.2023

General information

Our sali (banquet hall) is always rented empty. You can organize tables and chairs as you please. There are 33 tables (140x70cm) available for use. Tables are white with silver legs. We have 150 chairs (orange and brown plastic chairs) available.

In kahvio (cafeteria) there are 41 chairs and nine 125x70cm tables + one larger table for six people. You can move furniture as long as you move it back to it’s place after the reservation.